late wednesday night...
Everyone is sleeping 'cept for me 'n Craig, rallying the internet service in Fernie in a hardcore way!
Monday gig:
We played on an ice stage -- outside -- at the Silverstar resort just outside of Vernon. There was only a small heater, and we were cold. However, the worst problem was that Tyson was ill, ill, ill. Some seeeerious food poisoning! We were late getting to the mountain, so he just puked out of the window while we flew down the highway. Big splatter on the windows, haha!
So... Scot and I had to trade off on the drums. We're pretty funky guys, but not the funkiest drummers. But...we got through the gig and the folks there enjoyed it before rallying a fireworks show. Lots of dancers, especially youth. The guys stepped up to the plate and played well... very impressed, I am. Then...we drank beer. I shared a bed with our tour manager, erf!
Tuesday gig:
Cranbrook. We got a lot of free Guinness but not much of a crowd. (It was Tuesday night, after all...) By the time the third set rolled around, there was maybe 8 people in the place. Band played well, but it was hard to rally. Oh well -- at least we got 6 large beds in a seniors-friendly motel and caused a lot of havoc in Tim Hortons afterwards!
Wednesday gig:
Fernie. Beautiful town, this Fernie. We played at the Fernie Hotel... very cool place with very cool people. Awesome to finally get to an internet cafe. The bar was PACKED. Lots of guys who told us they haven't had any ska in town in soooo long, and rallied hard. Tons of beer...fark.. big ups to the Team-Sized pitchers! Dave had to be pulled away from it. Tons of spilled beer's hoping the organ is ok! (The Hammond, you sick knob.)
Kingsley is taking TONS of photos, and I'm not far behind. When we get back home, there will be a severe update to our photos page!
Off to Calgary tomorrow...looking very much forward to rallying with the Plaid Tongued Devils: coooooool band, they are!
missing Nanaimo though!
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